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We Heal Together Workshop - Neighborhood Yoga

We are connected to all things and the entire web of life. Every raindrop, blade of grass, bird taking flight, baby being born, ancestor transitioning, seed germinating, bear entering a cave to hibernate, whale migrating, and sea turtle resting on the shore. Even though we may know how interconnected we are to all things, we may experience periods of feeling isolated and disconnected. During these times, it is important for us to, instead of retreating into our disconnection, come back into community with one another. We must reach out, connect with compassion and openness, and practice alongside one another to heal from our past and present-day wounds and into the future. The We Heal Together workshop, through ritual, practice, and deepening our connection to ourselves and all beings, past, present, and future, we remind you that we all come from each other. We are kin and community, and we thrive and heal in community. This workshop will include pranayama, meditation, a community ritual, journaling, and discussion.

August 9

A Space for Us Launch Party

September 28

REALIZING FREEDOM TOGETHER Rituals And Practices For An Awakened World