A Protected Vessel: Protection Practices for Space Holders

from $30.00

Thursday, January 25, 2024 | 3:00-5:00pm ET | Online Workshop 

As space holders, facilitators, and people who hold transformative processes and change, it is essential for us to understand how to protect ourselves and the vessel through which our knowledge and wisdom move. Join Michelle C. Johnson for a new offering focused on protection practices for you to implement as you prepare to hold space, while you hold space, and as you close a facilitation or space. Some of the practices you will learn are preparing yourself and your vessel before beginning a facilitation, including protective oils, herbs, and somatic practices to support entering into space with others. In addition, you will learn protective somatic practices that are useful during facilitation to assist you in holding steady and protecting your energy as things arise while you facilitate. You will also learn protection practices using elemental energy to close a space and release its energy. 

Please bring a journal and, if you would like and these things are accessible, a vessel with water in it, a candle or some form of light, some grounding energy from the earth like a stone or dirt, and something representing air such as a feather or incense.

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